Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Sunday, December 23, 2018

launchora_imgThe Execution

They can torture me with their sick games,
But I can also hurt them using my own tricks.
They can electrocute me like a criminal,
But I can pull their hearts until it bleeds.
They will use lethal injection just to kill me softly,
But I can penetrate deep within their bodies and take away their sanity.
They can pull my hair out of its scalp;
They can cut all my fingernails;
They can give me wounds that will never heal.
But all of them are useless.
I will survive.
Because my harmful words can hurt them not just emotionally but also mentally;
Because my pen is sharper than their paraphernalia.
And I am more dangerous than them.
Actions can only hurt physical being, but words can wreck a soul.


We, people, are the most significant media, but could also be the most dangerous. 
Think before you speak πŸ˜‰ 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Read, Watch, or Listen?

Photo Credit: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/2873581/business_content

Previously, I shared to you an issue about media and now, I would like to tackle with you about the comparison on different forms types of media.

Where do you mostly get your news from? Is it from the newspapers? radio? or television?

I observed some of my co-occupants in the dormitory who just kept complaining on why we don't have a 'signal antenna' (it's just my term) connected in our television in the dormitory. Non-verbatim, they said, "Ugh! What's the use of that television in the dormitory?! We don't even get updates on the coming typhoon, the war in Mindanao, the conflicts in politics, even with some hot trending topics? Now, we know nothing on what's happening in our country today".
I could've just say, 'Hey girl! You go to the library and read the newspapers! They're all updated! And if you don't want to read, why don't you just turn the FM radio on your phone. It's just free!'

We observed nowadays that the ones who remained in reading newspapers are the 'oldies'. Teenagers are now uncomfortable without watching television and without their smart phones. When radio and television, especially social media started catching on, rumors flew that print was doomed. Access was easy and "free" or, at least, included in a monthly access fee. Many people get most of their news digitally, so newspapers and magazines were supposed to close left and right.

Print media, like newspapers and magazines, are what most teenagers don't like the most because they think it's historical, nostalgic, or dramatic that suits for aged persons. However, printed media has long enjoyed credibility. It's content has a significant influence. Research shows that consumers view printed media as more believable and trustworthy than radio, TV, and internet. In business, printed media is very important. No other medium allows you the “luxury” to create a message that consumers can read, save and then return to later, if they so choose. Print media benefits from “double dipping” or the “pass-along effect” – the propensity of readers to pass along brochures, pamphlets, and magazines to others. 

Next is the motion picture. It is also called film or movie, a series of pictures or photographs on film projected in rapid succession onto a screen by means of light. This is what teenagers love the most. It is remarkably effective medium in conveying information, and drama. Sounds, recording, photography, and optics are now emerged in this type of media. 

Broadcast media, like radio and television, is the most expedient means to transmit information immediately to the widest possible audience. It also provides valuable information, such as documentaries, interviews, advertisements, daily news, financial markets and much more. 

Among the three, I like the motion picture. I love watching movies than staring at the television. But somehow, I find print media more believable and credible than the others. 

Do you agree with me? Don't forget to live a comment😊😊




Monday, November 5, 2018

When Media Frames One's World

From childhood years up to this present day, the media has been consolidated more and more to most people's everyday life. Eleven years ago, television programs such as Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Teletubbies introduced me to the world of media, made  learning fun to me, and caused me to connect positivity in learning new things. Social media has now been the widely used media throughout the globe nowadays, especially for teenagers. But as a teenager, I found myself, unexpectedly, not too active in this kind of media, or should I say, I'm not a social media maniac like my other classmates. As our teacher in Media and Information Literacy course required us to make a blog, I could've screamed "NOOOOOO!" I even barely have Facebook posts and now I have to make a BLOG?πŸ˜₯ This is entirely a 'no' to me. How I wish I make this blog not just for some academic requirements but I want this entry to be a lesson to others πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Image result for media addiction art
Photo credits: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/514325219923610636/?lp=true

Our society is more and more mediated which means that people get most of the information through media, so the media communication can be a very effective and powerful tool for implementing any interests. Media is truly useful to students for it helps them in their assignments, projects, and some academic purposes. However, media's role nowadays is not only to serve more information but also to entertain. That's why many students get distracted from their studies. These forms of media would rob their time for academics.

Media also sway beliefs of people, which is also known as propaganda. As it has around the world, the internet in the Philippines has become a morass of fake news and conspiracy theories, harassment and bullying. What is true, or legal, is no longer important as long as the majority supports it. Some students are usually mislead by the information given by the media. 

Media has been a great benefit to the world. It has been used in connecting people in distant places, used for faster dissemination of vital information such as news, has been entertaining children and adults, and many more. But when used without control, these things might bring damage to one's self. When students spend too much time on the internet and watching movies, socialization with friends, family, and neighbors is affected. And by the way, these things are proven in many research studies.

I hope you've got some lessons from this short insight. You can also drop yours πŸ˜‰πŸ‘‡