The Execution
They can torture me with their sick games,
But I can also hurt them using my own tricks.
They can electrocute me like a criminal,
But I can pull their hearts until it bleeds.
They will use lethal injection just to kill me softly,
But I can penetrate deep within their bodies and take away their sanity.
They can pull my hair out of its scalp;
They can cut all my fingernails;
They can give me wounds that will never heal.
But all of them are useless.
I will survive.
Because my harmful words can hurt them not just emotionally but also mentally;
Because my pen is sharper than their paraphernalia.
And I am more dangerous than them.
Actions can only hurt physical being, but words can wreck a soul.
We, people, are the most significant media, but could also be the most dangerous.
Think before you speak 😉
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